Sunday, July 16, 2006

唱歌學英文 Vol. 01/ Take That - How deep is your love?

How deep is your love是一首由Bee Gees(比吉斯三兄弟,我國高中超愛的,就是假音很變態的那個家族)原唱的 經典老歌. 至於我選的版本,是由Take That(中文翻做:接招合唱團)翻唱的版本.

Take That應該算是男孩樂團的經典了, 什麼Blue啊根本就是copy版而已,又沒有Take That 好聽.

男子偶像團體的特色就是,紅的時候超紅,散了之後被遺忘的也快,我就不信有多少人知道或是記得NKOTB?(New Kid On The Block,街頭頑童.聽說在我很小的時候超紅). Take That在當紅的時期解散,大家各自單飛,只出了個Robbie Williams(羅比威廉斯)還可以看,其他像Gary Barlow都混不好.


歌詞都不看沒關係,起碼要知道, How deep is your love? 問程度的疑問詞應該要用How! How! How!!!!!

我翻譯了一半,後面不翻了,有些句子還蠻難的,這一篇算實驗作品,不花時間了,重點是跟著唱! 還有注意介係詞的用法!


"How Deep Is Your Love"

I know your eyes in the morning sun (我在清晨的陽光之中認出你的眼睛,暗示清晨的陽光就像妳的眼睛一樣明亮!)
I feel you touch me hand in the pouring rain (我在滂沱大雨中感覺妳的撫觸,其實是在暗示說,雨落在我身上像是你在撫摸我,可以再噁心一點!)
And the moment that you wander far from me (在你不在我身邊的時刻)
I wanna feel you in my arms again (我想再次感覺妳在我臂膀裡)

And you come to me on a summer breeze (認識你就彷彿夏日晨曦般)
Keep me warm in your love (妳的愛讓我感覺溫暖)
Then you softly leave (但接下來你卻悄悄離開)
And it's me you need to show

How deep is your love? (妳的愛有多深?)
How deep is your love? (有多深?)
I really need to learn (我真的需要了解)
Cos we're living in a world of fools (我們活在一個充滿傻瓜的世界. os='Cause=Because, Cos='Cause是通俗講法,較常出現在口語中)
Breaking us down when they
All should let us be
We belong to you and me.

I believe in you
You know the door to my very soul
You're the light in my deepest, darkest hour (在我生命中最灰暗的時候,你是我的陽光)
My savior when I fall (在我墮落消沉的時候,你是我的救星)

And you may not think that I care for you (care for這邊應該翻做喜歡
When you know down inside
That I really do

And it's me you need to show

How deep is your love?
How deep is your love?
I really need to learn
Cos we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down when they
All should let us be.

We belong to you and me.

How deep is your love?
How deep is your love?
I really meant to learn
Cos we're living in a world of fools
Breaking us down when they
All should let us be.

Post your feedback here.

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