Friday, March 23, 2007

The World is Flat

"The World is Flat"一書中所列出的剷平世界的十大推手(The Ten Forces That Flattened the World):

Flattener #1: 1989年11月9日柏林圍牆倒下, 六個月之後微軟視窗3.0上市(11/9/89, When the Walls Came Down and the Windows Went Up)
Flattener #2: 1995年8月9日網景(Netscape)上市(8/9/95, When Netscape Went Public)
Flattener #3: 工作流軟體(Work Flow Software, Let's Do Lunch: Have Your Application, Talk to My Application)
Flattener #4: 資源開放(開放來源碼, Open-Sourcing, Self-Organizing Collaborative Communities)
Flattener #5: 外包(Outsourcing, Y2K)
Flattener #6: 岸外生產(Offshoring, Running with Gazelles, Eating with Lions)
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up.
It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed.
Every morning a lion wakes up.
It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death.
It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle.
When the sun comes up, you better start running.
每天早晨在非洲, 都有一隻羚羊醒來
知道一定要跑的比最快的獅子還要快, 不然就會被吃掉
知道一定要撲上最慢的一支羚羊, 不然就會餓死
當太陽升起, 你最好快跑

Flattener #7: 供應鏈(Supply-Chaining, Eating Sushi in Arkansas)
Flattener #8: 內包(In-sourcing, What the Guys in Funny Brown Shorts Are Really Doing)
Flattener #9: 資訊搜尋(In-forming, Google, Yahoo!, MSN Web Search)
Flattener #10: 輕科技"類固醇"(無線通訊網路, The Steroids, Digital, Mobile, Personal, and Virtual)

三大彙流(Three Convergences)
1. 十大推手;
2. 新賽場: 垂直式價值創造變成水平式;
3. 數十億人加入競爭.

已經跟朋友推薦這本書好幾次了, 希望大家有空看一下. 不過當然我不是說把這本書當聖經的意思, 畢竟現在的世界只有對少數有錢人而言是平的, 許多國家的人民連生活都有問題, 全球暖化現象也有待解決. 這些應該是要靠大家共同努力的.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
